November 2016

Is Shared Ownership the future for young Single Buyers?
As property prices increase, young single buyers are being priced out of the market. With just their income to rely on, they know they are perfectly capable of keeping up mortgage repayments but lenders are unlikely to offer them anything close to the asking price of the properties that peak

First Time Buyers – Buying a Property Jargon Buster
Buying and selling a home is one of the few times in life that almost all of us have a need for legal advice and expertise. However, the terminology and certain phrases associated with the process can sometimes be confusing – especially for first time buyers! Anyone in the process

Ten Tools a First Time Buyer Must Own
When you become a homeowner, you can no longer count on the landlord to make quick-fixes for you. Sure, you can call in the professionals to fit stylish roof windows or lay hardwood flooring, but it is well-worth accumulating accessories and getting a toolbox started for the much more basic